Friday, August 30, 2013

30 Day PUSH by Chalene Johnson

I want to share with you what I've been up to the past month. In no way am I being over dramatic when I say this was a life changer.  Beginning August 1st I became part of a fantastic group of people reading the book PUSH by Chalene Johnson.

For those of you unfamiliar with Chalene, she is one of Beachbody's celebrity trainers and creator of TurboFire and TurboJam.  She is insanely motivational and insightful.

Her book, PUSH, is a 30 day journey to create the life you design.
 Reading just a short chapter a day and actively completing the short "daily push" assignments has totally rewired my brain for the best.  Chalene's theory is before you begin taking on fitness, weightloss, healthy eating, or any goal, you need to find your life first.  She takes you though a process of determining your life priorities, long and short term goals and productivity systems that change the way you approach EVERYTHING.

Like I said, trying not to be dramatic, but this is exactly what I needed.  Its so easy to get caught up in short term motivation and excitement, and then before you know it be back to the old ways and habits.  Chalene developed this program because as a fitness and business professional she sees this happen all the time.  After studying the habits of the highly successful and the very fit, she is bringing the formula to us.

Oh, and did I mention she includes exercises and recipes at the end??

Overall, I can say with complete honesty that I have developed a positive attitude and confidence deeper than the surface.  Chalene's message really resonated with me, so much that I needed to share it.

Another great part about this journey was doing it along side a group of about 30 other people.  We had a private Facebook group where we were able to share our assignments, learn from one another, and have a system of accountability to make it though the 30 days.  I'm looking forward to starting my own 30 Day PUSH group in the near future.  Contact me if you are interested, and I will also put up a new post closer to when it begins.

If you HAVE done the 30 Day PUSH, share your favorite part in a comment below!

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