This is a great time to look ahead and think about your personal, school, work, and health related goals. Take a second and answer these questions for yourself. Heck, take it a step further, grab a pen and paper, and WRITE IT DOWN!
What do you want to achieve in this next year? Or even this next semester?
What would be the best accomplishment for yourself? Make the varsity team? Save a certain amount of money? Earn a 3.5 GPA? Find a new job? Make it specific.
Now, brainstorm a list of ways to make these things happen. Create a game plan. Ask family, friends, teachers, (or Google!) for information and ideas.
Next, develop accountability. Tell someone what you will accomplish, and how you plan to do it. Write your plan on the inside cover of your new notebooks! Keep a reminder on your phone.
Be sure to check back in with yourself each week to see how you're doing. Have you been making progress through your game plan? Do you need to add more layers of accountability? Who can you ask for help?
Imagine already achieving your goal by the time everyone else is coming up with New Year's Resolutions. This is your chance to get that head start!
Here are my fresh start goals:
- make a $500 dent in my student loans before my grace period ends
- record my intake and workouts in my fitness journal every day
- make it to at least one Badger home game
- turn off my phone for 90 minutes a day M-F to focus on my most important tasks without distraction
As always I invite you to leave a comment or send me a message through the side bar!
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